胡佛 Hoovey

剧情  欧美  2015 

主演:帕特里克·沃伯顿 罗伦·荷莉 科迪·林雷 艾莉森·斯通勒 


胡佛 Hoovey电影剧情介绍

奇奇影院提供《胡佛 Hoovey》高清中字BD1280在线播放,《胡佛 Hoovey》迅雷资源,《胡佛 Hoovey》高清在线观看,《胡佛 Hoovey》完整高清未删减版,《胡佛 Hoovey》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看

Life can change in an instant, and turn your whole world upside down. And that is exactly what happens to firefighter Jeff Elliott and his wife Ruth who are living their dream in the golden Midwest; high school sweethearts, married with two beautiful and healthy children, family farm, horses, sports, church groups, the whole American Dream come true. And one winters day, teenage son Eric "Hoovey" Elliott collapses at high school basketball practice, is rushed to the hospital, and the doctors find a tumor the size of an orange at the base of his brain. They"re down to hours-if surgery that risks the boy"s ability to walk, talk, and perhaps even survive is not performed immediately, Hoovey"s young life will end before it truly even begins. In a grueling 8-hour procedure, the tumor is removed. And he survives. But for the Elliott family, life and dreams will never be the same. Hoovey has to teach himself to walk again, to read again, to even see straight with two unbalanced eyes, covered one at a time by an eye patch. Forget ever stepping on a basketball court - the risk of receiving a fatal blow to the spot on his head is just too great. As the unpaid medical bills mount, Jeff"s firefighting salary isn"t enough, the family is swimming in crippling debt seemingly overnight, everything he and Ruth have built in their life dream of two kids is at stake. Hoovey"s teenage sister Jen feels alone and nearly forgotten in the most important time of her life. And as Hoovey realizes his one dream in life-playing this game-is gone, too, he sinks into a deep sadness. This is a family at risk. With no-one to turn to, but themselves and their God. HOOVEY is the true and inspiring story of the Elliott family, who refused to surrender, instead turning to one another and their faith in the worst of circumstances, to rebuild their lives, their boy, and their dreams... together. Step by grueling step, with faith, love, and the tireless work of a mother and father to save their family, their farm, their dream, Hoovey learns to walk again. To read again. To dribble and shoot a basketball again. And yes, to dream again himself. Then stepping out in his faith, back onto the hard court, to live that dream of playing this game once more...

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